ILikeMyStyle was a digital media community accompanied by a quarterly print magazine founded in the oughts and co-published by Adriano Sack and Eva Munz. It was the first user-generated fashion platform and predated Instagram. As its art director, Judith combed the online community for its most brilliant content and curated pieces from its flamboyant users. The community took a critical look at the fashion discourse and questioned traditional media hierarchies. The content reflected the rebellious nature of its diverse community and fostered dialogue about art, clothes, sex, and body that challenged the elitist notions of the industry at the time. A true people’s magazine, it celebrated the glamour of real and totally surreal personalities and showcased new forms of expression from all over the world.
In 2012 ILikeMyStyle was awarded Gold at the Lead Awards in the category “Newcomer Magazine of the Year.”
In 2012 ILikeMyStyle was awarded Gold at the Lead Awards in the category “Newcomer Magazine of the Year.”
ILikeMyStyle website